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About the 50 State Afterschool Network

In every state, an afterschool network is broadening opportunities for youth. 

The 50 State Afterschool Network is the aggregate of 50 independent networks, sharing the collective impact and innovations in supporting and expanding afterschool and summer learning programs nationwide.


Seeking equitable outcomes for children to succeed in school and future jobs, a statewide afterschool network brings together cross-sector leaders with a common vision and coordinated strategy to advance quality afterschool and summer learning programs.



We bring together resources, expertise and best practices to improve afterschool funding, access, and quality across the state.

What We Do


We coordinate professional development and training opportunities to help youth workers be their very best (so youth get the most out of their afterschool experiences!)


We listen to the broad field of afterschool to identify our most urgent shared needs, then work together to advocate for solutions that make the greatest impact.

Thanks for your interest!

"Out-of-school-time spaces and youth development have the power and potential to positively affect outcomes for kids. We need to slowly chip away at the idea that the most important learning happens in schools.  When we ask people to think about their most powerful or significant learning experience, it rarely was in school."

Karen Pittman, The Forum for Youth Investment Founder

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Afterschool for all youth

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We would love an opportunity to stay in touch. Sign up to get our newsletter, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Please contact us if you or your organization are interested in discussing new collaborative opportunities that will support high quality expanded learning opportunities for children and youth in Oklahoma. 

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